Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Valor Award

Can you say "hero"? Daniel received an award of Valor for saving a woman's life during a fire. He is the first person of this city to get the award.  We are very proud of him. All of his Captains and Chief's had wonderful things to say about Daniel. It was a very patriotic night. They had men playing bagpipes and presenting the flag. Then they told the story of how Daniel climbed over a fence to help an elderly woman and helped her over the fence to a couple of other firemen. He then had to get himself back over the fence. Note that all of this was going on during a fire that did not have water being put on it yet so it was getting close and hot!!  The story itself was a bit scary but it made me proud to have such a brave husband who is very well respected at work.

Cody with Blaze and Dotty, the fire dogs!

It was a wonderful night!