Monday, September 10, 2012

The day that still brings tears to my eyes

Every year September 11th rolls around and it still makes me cry. So many lost their lives. Being that my husband is a firefighter, this day hits close to home. I still have the images burned into my mind of the day I woke up, and turned the TV on. I remember freezing when I saw the first tower on fire and then the second plane hitting the second tower. I remember my heart completely sinking as I watched both towers fall with so many people still inside. It was a horrible day and I don't think I left my couch for hours because I wanted someone to say I was dreaming, that it was pretend. 
Fast forward to today. I've watched many documentaries on 9/11. It's like a titanic thing, you still can't believe it happened. I've had many discussions with Daniel about the mind set of all the firefighters who were going up the towers trying to get people down and wanted to put the fires out. Those brave men (policemen as well) were just doing their jobs. I still feel the anger at the men who flew those planes. It will probably be something I struggle with for the rest of my life how anyone could do that. 
My main point is please remember those people who were doing their jobs that day in those towers, those trying to save others, those fighting fires, and all those who lost their lives. 

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